Transaction data

Transaction data are provided to the plugin by the Ethereum application through the txContent_t structure.

This structure is provided in every handler.

typedef struct txInt256_t {
    uint8_t value[INT256_LENGTH];
    uint8_t length;
} txInt256_t;

typedef struct txContent_t {
    txInt256_t gasprice;  // Used as MaxFeePerGas when dealing with EIP1559
                          // transactions.
    txInt256_t startgas;  // Also known as `gasLimit`.
    txInt256_t value;
    txInt256_t nonce;
    txInt256_t chainID;
    uint8_t destination[ADDRESS_LENGTH];
    uint8_t destinationLength;
    uint8_t v[8];
    uint8_t vLength;
    bool dataPresent;
} txContent_t;