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Walkthrough overview

This page will walk you through developing your plugin, from the Boilerplate fork to the functional tests.
Sections of the template code you can edit are commented with a EDIT THIS marker.

Change the plugin metadata

In the Makefile you will need to change the following elements:

  • APPNAME to suit your plugin name (e.g., Paraswap, 1inch, Lido)
  • APPVERSION for your plugin version

Change the plugin icons

In the icons/ and glyphs/ directory, rename the images to include your APPNAME instead of the pluginboilerplate name.
Change the picture provided to use one suitable for your plugin.
Don't forget to refer to the documentation.
Incompatible icons will be detected by the CI.

Change the selectors

Let’s go to the first EDIT THIS comment in app-plugin-boilerplate/src/plugin.h. In this file you can list all the selectors for each contract. The template uses uses two selectors but you are not limited.
Enter your selectors here, in the format X(NAME, value).

Example: Let's support SwapExactEthForToken from Uniswap V2

You can find it using Etherscan, and you can also compose it using the ABI (Application Binary Interface).

By looking at recent transactions on Uniswap, we find a transaction with the SwapExactEthForToken method. Here is an example.

Let's scroll down and click on "Click to see more", to read:


The header line shows Method ID to be 0x7ff36ab5. This is going to be the 4 bytes of SWAP_EXACT_ETH_FOR_TOKENS_SELECTOR:

#define SELECTORS_LIST(X)                    \

Update the file

Please update the file at the root of the project to include your smart contract and selectors.

Adapt the handlers

Now we have to change each handler to parse and display your smart contract.

We advise you to stick to the file structure done in plugin-boilerplate and keep each handler in a dedicated file.

Please look at the sequence diagram to better understand at which step each handler is called.